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© TeacherGeek Inc. 2016. Wiggle-Bot supplies @  R2.1

Quick Start

1 Motor with Holder & Leads

Colors will vary.


2-4 Markers

1 AA Battery

Large Paper or
Poster Sheet

Get Ready...

What You Have

What You Need

Page 1



Something to Cut
Strips & Dowels

TeacherGeek Multi-Cutter

Recycling Bin &
Other Materials

1. Bend

Bend up the leads 
on the motor holder. 

Turn the motor 
on and off by connecting 
and disconnecting leads.

Make sure wires go through 
the motor mount. If they 
don’t, they will break off.


This is a real engineering project (not a toy). What does that mean? You get to design and build 
your own unique Wiggle-Bot, rather than just following directions.  You’ll also get to cut, wire and 
maybe even pound. Experiment and try different ideas. Keep improving and changing your designs.

• Plastic Containers
• Bottles & Caps
• Plastic Utensils
• Boxes
• Other Things

Put a battery in the holder 
and connect the leads.


Put the battery into the 
holder with the flat side 
against the spring.

(TeacherGeek Multi-Cutter, 
Pruning Shears, Saw) 

4. Run

2. Power

Open alligator 
clip leads by 

3. Pinch

Get Set...



4 Gears

50Tooth, 40Tooth,
20Tooth, 10Tooth

6 Dowels

2 300mm (12in), 2 150mm (6in),
1 75mm (3in), 1 50mm (2in)

2 Steel Wire

300mm (12in)

1 Motor Mount

1 AA Battery Holder

t el Wire

2 Perpendicular Blocks

Materials in the TeacherGeek 1823-17 Wiggle-Bot Kit
