7.9.4 Stop time shift
Method 1: Press the Stop key to stop time shift and return to play live service.
Method 2: Start play new service, time shift of old service will be stopped
7.10 REC
7.10.1 Start record
Press the RECORD key to start recording. A
record icon is displayed on the upper left of the
screen. There will be a blinking light at the
bottom left of the front panel to indicate there is
a recording.
The record icon displays recording number,
duration and recoding name. Recording name is
in the form of Channel Name-Event Name.
7.10.2 Change recording information
This is the same as 5.4 Recording Info.
7.10.3 EPG record and Common scheduled record
If scheduled EPG or scheduled REC is reached, a new record can also be started.
For more information, refer to
Scheduled list.
7.10.4 Recording file information
If current recording service has EPG information, recorded file is partitioned
automatically according EPG items. Recorded file name is program name, file
duration is program duration and file description is program description. If current
recording service has no EPG information, recorded file name is channel name and
it will not be partitioned.