1. Use navigation keys to select the program you want to rename.
2. Press blue key on the remote control. A keypad window will appear.
3. Select your required character by using the navigation keys on the remote control.
4. Press OK key to confirm new program name.
Note: The selected character will be shown in
the title bar at the top of this keypad window. To
switch between capitalization and lowcase,
please select Caps On command and press OK
key on the REMOTE. Back command allows
you to erase the unwanted character in the title
bar. Select OK key to confirm new program
name. The keypad will disappear and the new
name will be shown in the program name
column. You can define several program names
in the same way.
3.2 Favorite Edit
This window includes the three columns of FAV, Selected and Programs. While
there are no prepared favorite groups in FAV column, you can define and modify
favorite groups’ name by using corresponding color keys on the REMOTE. And
more, you can add programs to any favorite group.
keys are used to switch among three columns, and Up/Right keys are used to
select item in each column. Notice that what will be shown in the Selected and
Programs column varies with the favorite group that you have selected in the FAV
How to define a favorite group
1. Press Red key on the remote control and a keypad window will appear.
2. You can define your favorite group name by selecting the required character
using the navigation keys.