such as media player or storm player)
Remote Video and Replay.
Enter “Config Management”
“Record Config”
“Detail”, Trigger timer record function
through adding strategy
“Strategy Name”: user define
“Save Day”: the number of days that the video need to be saved, old file will be deleted if the
number of day is full though the hard disk is under full
“Storage Strategy”: “Overwrite when full” or “stop when full”
“Trigger Method”: “Schedule Record” or “Motion Detect Record”
“Storage Path”: three paths for optional
“Strategy Device”: Add original device to strategy device, Device can operate only when in
strategy device, the strategy device can be added or removed anytime
“Original Device”: the camera connected to the network
“Config enable”: select “Yes”
“Record time per file”: continuous video recording time in one video file
“Prerecord time”: prerecord time when triggered by motion detection
“Record video”: select “high resolution” or “low resolution”
“Detect Record Time”: Delay record time when triggered by motion detection, Recording
stop when alarm not be triggered again during the record time
“Record Audio”: record audio or not
Schedule set is as same as IE set, time cycle is one week, select everyday 00
00 - 23
59 for
continues recording
After set up, click “add strategy” function, the strategy will show in the left strategy bar and start work
at once