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HD3 Sheep Handler Installation Manual
Racewell HD
Crush wall is not operating quickly enough
Possible causes
Possible solutions
Low air pressure
Check the compressor
Tilt going back or creeping over
Possible causes
Possible solutions
Faulty switch
Faulty solenoid
Air leak
Repair or replace the switch
Replace solenoid
Check joints and lines and remedy as required
Unit is not catching properly
Possible causes
Possible solutions
Low air pressure
Eye not working
Dirty magic eye
Incorrect eye positions
Check compressor output is above 100psi at all times
Check magic eye and cables for damage
Remove wool and/or dust from the magic eye lenses
Adjust positions so 1x green and 1x black eye get covered
Unit slowly releases after sheep are clamped
Possible causes
Possible solutions
Air may be leaking from the dump valve
Catch solenoid may be faulty
Damage to cylinder piston
Check for air leaks beneath the squeeze ram and on the
black airline under the unit
Check solenoid
Check piston
Parts of the unit are working slowly
Possible causes
Possible solutions
Constricted, broken or punctured air lines
Check the airlines
Ensure no part of the unit is resting upon the airlines
Everything works apart from the drafter
Possible causes
Possible solutions
Indicator not talking to drafter
Check coms cable between indicator and autobox
for damage
Ensure autodrafting option on your indicator is active
Drafting the wrong way for preset weights or
Drafting gates hit and stick together when on auto
Ensure the manual draft switch is in the central position
Possible causes
Possible solutions
Wall pressure is high all the time
Possible causes
Possible solutions
Faulty potentiometer
Check and adjust or replace as required