Pocket SuperEASY™
Atterbury Consultants, Inc
Transferring Species, Sort and Grade Tables from
SuperACE™ to Pocket SuperEASY™
After creating the Species, Sort and Grade tables in SuperACE™ to be
used on a cruise project, the tables can be transferred to Pocket
SuperEASY™ for use in the field.
Transferring Tables:
1. Make sure that the mobile device is “synced” with the PC.
2. Open SuperACE™ on the PC.
3. In SuperACE™ make sure that the Species, Sort and Grade
tables that are to be transferred are set as the active tables.
From the menu bar select
Tables to Windows
Mobile Device.
5. The following screen appears. Click on Copy Tables to Device
6. The following screens appear when the process and transfer is
complete. Click OK on both.