Be sure to read this instruction manual thoroughly before using this product. Pay attention to all cautions and warnings
before using this product. Incorrect usage could lead to an electrical shock, damage to the unit or a fire hazard.
Never use this product in locations where flammable gas or ignitable substances are present.
Do not make unauthorized changes to power supply unit, otherwise you might have electric shock and void your warranty.
Do not touch this unit and the internal components in operation or shortly after shut down. They might have high voltage or
high temperature and as the unit dissipates its heat so the surface of the unit is hot. You might receive electric shock or burn.
When the unit is operating, keep your hands and face away from it; you might be injured by an accident.
Do not use unit under unusual condition such as emission of smoke or abnormal smell and sound etc. It might cause fire and
electric shock. In such case, please contact us; do not repair by yourself, as it is dangerous for the user.
Do not drop or insert anything into unit. It might cause failure and fire.
Do not operate these units under condensation condition. It might cause fire and electric shock.
As a component part, compliance with the standard will be based upon installation in the final application. This product must
be installed in a restricted access location, accessible to authorized competent personnel only. These AC to DC converters
have reinforced insulation between the input and the output. The outputs of these products are energy hazards. All models
with an output greater than 28V model are considered to be non-SELV. As such, the instructions for use must refer to these
energy hazardous outputs and Non-SELV outputs in that the outputs must not be accessible to the operator. The installer
must also provide protection against inadvertent contact by a service engineer.
The equipment has been evaluated for use in a Pollution Degree 2 environment.
This power supply is primarily designed and manufactured to be used and enclosed in other equipment.
Confirm connections to input/output terminals and signal terminals are correct as indicated in the instruction manual.
Attach a fast acting external fuse to each module to ensure safety operation and compliance to each safety standard approval.
The recommended input fuse rating within the instructions manual. The breaking capacity and voltage rating of this fuse
might be subject to the end use application.
Input voltage, Output current, Output power, ambient temperature and ambient humidity should be used within
specifications, otherwise the unit will be damaged.
For application equipment, which requires very high reliability (Nuclear related equipment, traffic control equipment,
medical equipment, etc.), please provide fail safety function in the equipment.
Do not use the product in environment with strong electromagnetic field, corrosive gas and conductive substance.
Do not operate and store this unit at an environment where condensation occurs. In such case, waterproof treatment is
Never operate the unit under over current or shorted conditions for 30 seconds or more and out of Input Voltage Range as
specification. Insulation failure, smoking, burning or other damage might occur to the unit.
The output voltage of this power supply unit is considered to be a hazardous energy level (The voltage is 2V or more and the
electric power is 240VA or more). Prevention from direct contact with output terminal is highly necessary. While installing
or servicing this power supply unit, avoid dropping tools by mistake or direct contact with output terminal. This might cause
an electrical shock. While repairing this power supply unit, the AC input power must be switched off and the input and
output voltage should be level.
To maintain the SELV output for outputs less than 28VDC, under fault conditions, the output must be connected to earth in
the final application.
The application circuits and their parameter are for reference only. Be sure to verify effectiveness of application circuits and
their parameters before finalizing circuit design.
Do not inject abnormal voltage to output terminal and signal terminal from the outside. The injection of reverse voltage or
over voltage exceeding nominal output voltage to output terminals might cause damage to internal components.
PFE500F Series
Instruction Manual