High Speed Door Servo Control System
Stroke Controller utilizes absolute encoder. Connect the absolute encoder
and reducer via encoder’s axle, and fix the wings on to the reducer, than
insert the aviation plug into plug receptacle
4. Safety
1) The motor and control unit MUST ground properly;
2) During the installation, commission and operation NO ONE is permit to
stand under the door and stand in the operating path;
3) While installing and testing the motor package, at least half of the
door’s axle MUST be insert into the reducer.
4) Check if there any obstacles in the operating path, if there is please
remove the obstacles before lower the gate.
5) DO NOT disassemble the control unit; any damagers due to this action are
NOT cover under free warranty.
The company reserves the right to modify the product, according to
of technology and production process, while the basic
characteristic of the product may remain some.