High Speed Door Servo Control System
The system can operated via: 1) control box; 2) inching electronic control;
3) continuous automatic operation
4) emergency stop
5) single side
operation box; 6) time delay; 7) radar and/or induction loops. Please refer
to wiring terminal for eternal connections.
System has fuse/safety wire shutdown switch for three-phase power protection,
fuse/safety wire for operating circuit protection, and temperature sensing
relay for motor protection.
2. Control Key/Button
a) “↑”Key/Button: Inching control door’s opening movement or continuous
automatic opening.
b) “↓”Key/Button: Inching control door’s closing movement or continuous
automatic closing.
NOTE: these setting are set according to the contact; however they can be
changed according to operating needs.
c) “STOP” Key/Button: Push this key under emergency situation it will
shutdown the operation and the door will stop and stay at that position
d)Four key on LCD are main menu key.
3. Install the Stroke Controller