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“I” Error codes
Action required
Input Must Be Greater Than Zero
Value entered must be greater
than zero.
Please enter a value greater
than zero.
Input Not In Valid Range
The data entered was not within
the required values.
Please reenter the data.
Internal Error
Call Help Desk
The terminal has encountered a
fatal error.
AA…… stands for component name
NN…… stands for application
CC…….stands for error code
Please call the Help Desk and
provide the information on the
Invalid Account #
The card used failed a security
check or the card number length is
invalid for the card type.
Enter the card again, if the
problem persists ask the
cardholder for another form of
Invalid Date
The date entered on the terminal is
not valid or occurs in the future.
Please enter a valid date.
Invalid Expiry Date
The expiry date on the card is invalid.
Please enter a valid expiry
Ask the customer for a
different payment method.
Invalid ID
The user ID was not found on the
Enter a valid ID.
Invalid ID/Password
The ID/Password combination
entered does not match any in the
terminal’s record.
Re-enter or try another ID/
Invalid Password
The password is not valid for the
User ID entered.
Re-enter the password or try
another ID.
Invalid Time
The time entered is not valid.
Please enter a valid time.
Invoice Tab First
The Close Tab transaction has
been attempted on a Tab that
hasn’t been invoiced.
Process an Invoice Tab
transaction for the invoice
number entered.
“M” Error codes
Action required
Maximum # of
Entries Reached
The maximum number of User IDs
(100) has been reached.
To enter additional IDs, some
IDs will have to be deleted.
“N” Error codes
Action required
No Match
A match cannot be found for the
data entered or selected.
Please retry or enter new data.
No Response From Host
Terminal times out the host
Press CANC (X) key And Try
Again. If the problem persists
call the Help Desk.
No Transactions Found
A transaction cannot be found with
the criteria entered.
Please enter new data.