p/n 725.0001 REV 1.5
© 2021 TCW Technologies, LLC.
Instructions for Continued airworthiness:
On at least an annual basis the endurance capability of the IBBS system shall be confirmed and compared
against the back-up endurance required for the connected equipment.
As an alternate to these tests, the IBBS unit may be returned to TCW Technologies for a
loaded endurance test, contact TCW Technologies LLC. for details.
Procedure for endurance testing
All applications except electronic ignition systems
1) Turn off the Aircraft Master Switch
2) Turn on the Back-up Power Master Switch
3) Turn on all equipment connected to and supplied with back-up power from the IBBS
4) Measure and record at least the following information: The time until the first piece of
connected equipment no longer functions or the time until the output of back-up power
supply voltage drops to 9.5 volts. Discontinue the test when the back-up battery voltage
falls below 9.5 volts.
5) After completing the endurance test, recharge the IBBS product by operating the system
with the Aircraft Master Switch in the ON position for up to two hours. This may be done
by operating the aircraft in conditions known to not require back-up power or by powering
the aircraft system on a suitable ground power source as described in the section:
Ground Base Recharging.
6) Record the results of the endurance testing in the aircraft logbook.
7) If the IBBS no longer meets the endurance testing requirement, the back-up battery may
need replacement.