TCS TürControlSysteme AG, TCS Hotline Germany: +49 (0) 4194 9881-188
Subject to technical changes.
E-Mail: [email protected], www.tcsag.de
PI_IVH3222-0140_uk 3 A
Connection diagram
First install the system completely, than connect it to the mains voltage!
Install the devices of the system completely.
V1 and V2 must not be connected with the P-, a- or b-wire.
When connecting the video wires V1 (+) and V2 (−) the polarity must be observed.
Check the a-, b- and P-wire against each other for short-circuits.
Switch on the main voltage.
AS-address dependent image activation
If there are also front-door stations without cameras in a system with IVH3222 and video
front-door stations, the image is not activated when the IVH3222 is called by an audio
front-door station.
To guarantee this function, the possible AS addresses are separated into two sections:
AS address
– 31*
reserved for video front-door
the image is activated in case of a
door call (from max. 16 video front-
door stations)
AS address
as of 32*
free, for front-door stations
without camera
the image is not activated in case of a
door call
*) The video AS border cannot be changed.
Factory settings
The device is equipped with an EEPROM which stores the following basic settings ex
serial number for parallel call
function key
image button