Lightning and other electromagnetic radiation sources may affect the operation of the unit.
During these conditions, disconnect the power supply and then power on after the
influence has been eliminated.
The operation parameters and protection device settings have been set during production;
these settings must only be changed by a qualified engineer with understanding of their
usage as incorrect settings could disable the unit
’s protection features leading to damage
of the unit.
The unit must be sited far from any fire hazard. In case of fire due to short circuit,
immediately disconnect the power and extinguish the fire with a dry powder fire
The unit must only be installed by a qualified F-gas registered engineer;
Decommissioning or moving of the unit must only be carried out by a qualified F-gas
registered engineer,
Do not operate or store inflammable or explosive articles around or below the unit;
otherwise it may lead to a fire hazard.
If the unit is not to be used for a while, turn off the mains supply so as to avoid accident.
Avoid moisture ingress to the electric control system; otherwise it may lead to short circuit
or damage to the machine.
Please ensure the desired temperature is set correctly, especially when elderly, children or
people with limited mobility or mental capability are within the room.
In case of breakdown, the user should report the fault to the retailer or manufacturer for
consultation and repair rather than attempting diagnosis or repair; attempted repairs of the
unit by non-professional staff may lead to personal injury or damage to the unit, and may
invalidate the warranty.
In case of refrigerant leak, the stress meter will stop the operation of unit, a qualified F-gas
engineer should be contacted to arrange service;
The refrigerant may discompose into a harmful gas if allowed into contact with an open
Do not touch the exhaust side pipe fittings to avoid scalding since the temperature may be
in excess of 100°C.
Sharp edges and the fin surfaces must not be touched to prevent the risk of cuts or injury.
The system is based on advanced inverter technology, which allows the output to be
automatically adjusted based on the settings and environment. As the indoor units will
usually operate below their maximum level, a lower powered outdoor can be paired with
the system with limited impact on performance.
Do not cover or restrict the airflow from the outlet or inlet grills.
For maximum performance the minimum distance from a wall or objects should be 50cm.
Keep the filters clean. Under normal conditions, filters should only need cleaning once every
four weeks (approximately). Since the filters remove airborne particles, more frequent cleaning
maybe necessary, depending on the air quality.
For the initial startup set the fan speed to maximum and the thermostat to 4-5 degrees lower
than the current temperature. After, set the fan switch to low and set the thermostat to your
desired setting.
To protect the unit we recommend not using the cooling mode when the ambient indoor
temperature is higher than 35
To protect the unit we recommend not using the heating mode when the indoor ambient
temperature is lower than 7
. Performance will be reduced at lower temperatures.
Note the manufacturer operating temperature ranges at the end of this user manual.