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D - 35452 Heuchelheim
Phone: +49-(0)641-96284-0
Fax: +49-(0)641-96284-28
Seite 23 von 36
3.6 Settings motion detector
Please consider that the motion detector is controlled and managed by the
PreVision Control. At the scope of delivery it is activated.
If you will disable the motion detector, please follow this points:
First open in the Prevision Control Client under Configuration the point „Program“:
Please login, by questions have a look into the manual PreVison Control
Please open in the menu tree on the left side „General“
In the menu point „Ambiento“ you can enable or disable the window about the motion
detection function, Only the window but not the function will be disabled or enabled.
Further more you can control the time before the shutdown of the display.
Please confirm with OK
After this settings you can control the motion detection function in the PreVision Control
Client under „Backlight“.
By switching the motion detector off you can switch the display on only by
touch, each contact of the touch solve one „click” however at the same time,
thereby you could make an action in your control software.