a corner
5) Level 3 – moving edge pieces ("yellow" cross)
The cube will now fall under one of 3 possible cases:
Point = none of the 4 edge pieces is correctly positioned.
Corner = two adjacent edge pieces are correct.
Line = two opposite edge pieces are correct.
(The position of the middle pieces underneath does not
matter yet!)
Depending on the starting position, perform the algorithm
1-3 times. The cube must be held as illustrated each time it
is performed.
Point: 1x
F – R – U – R' – U' – F'
= Corner
Hold the cube with the corner to the left at the back.
Corner: 1x
F – R – U – R' – U' – F’
= Line
Hold the cube so that the line goes from left to right.
Line: 1x
F – R – U – R' – U' – F’
= Cross
6) Level 3 – arrange edges
The edges must now be replaced so that they end up positioned
above the correct middle pieces of the vertical surfaces.
To do this, first turn the upper level until there are two matches.
The cube will now fall under one of 2 possible cases:
The two correctly positioned edge pieces (a/b) are either on
opposite sides or around a corner. Depending on the starting
position, perform the algorithm 1–2 times. The cube must be
held as illustrated each time it is performed.
opposite: 1x
R – U – R' – U – R – 2U – R' – U = around
a corner
around a corner: 1x R – U – R' – U – R – 2U – R' – U
All 4 edge pieces are now correctly positioned above the
middle pieces.
7) Level 3 – arrange corners
Find a corner piece that is already correctly positioned.
Important: Only the corner position of the piece is important,
it does not matter whether it is the wrong way round or not.
If no corner pieces are correctly positioned, use the algorithm
once and then look for the correct corner piece.
Hold the cube so that this correct corner is facing the front.
Perform the algorithm as many times as you need until all
corner pieces are positioned in their respective corners.
U – R – U' – L' – U – R' – U' – L