Reverb Programs
All Reverb presets both have a User and an expert page.
The number of parameters depends on which preset you
have selected.
Sets the decay time. The value indicates the time to where
the reverb tail is damped to -60dB.
The time to arrival of the first reflection.
Reverb Lo
Adjust the low frequency reverberation time.
Reverb Mid
Adjust the mid frequency reverberation time.
Reverb Hi
Adjust the high frequency reverberation time.
Expert mode
Press OK here to enter expert mode. Remember there is no
way back to normal user parameters, after adjusting any
expert parameters.
HiCut freq.
Sets the cutoff frequency of the HighCut filter.
HiCut level
Damping ratio in dB of the HighCut filter.
Mix between direct and effect.
Out Level
Adjust output level. Use this parameter to match levels
between presets.
(only additional parameters mentioned)
This parameter sets the degree of wall diffusion. Increasing
the value will result in a more dense reverberation tail. Don’t
set the value too high, as it will result in a not natural sound-
ing reverberation tail.
Room shape
Here you can choose between different room shapes.
Changing the room shape will change the initial reflections.
Size mult.
Size multiplication factor. With this parameter you can
change the size of the room. Only the initial reflections are
influenced by this factor.
Lo Crossover
Crossover frequency between low and mid band reverbera-
tion filter.
Mid Crossover
Crossover frequency between lo-mid and hi-mid band rever-
beration filter.
Hi Crossover
Crossover frequency between mid and high band reverbera-
tion filter.
Initial lev.
Sets the Initial reflection level.
Level of the reverberation tail.
This parameter adjust the stereo width of the reverb tail.
Rev Feed
Determines how fast the reverberation will build up.
Imposes the characteristics of the early reflections on the
later reverberation.
The relative distance control varies the mix relations
between early and later reflections. Simulating how far away
you are from the sound source.
Difusor type
The natural room mode peak frequencies and the smoothness
of the tail are affected by this parameter.
Mod Rate
The MODRATE varies the rate of modulation of the recircu-
lating delay paths simulating the reverb tail.
Mod Depth
Controls the amount of delay path modulation or "wander"
in the reverb.