3. TBS5580 Mode change tool (See screenshot below.
3.1 Open the TBS5580 Mode Change tool choose the right
Mode as you want then click Write to apply the
change .(See screenshot below.
4. Play Software Installation
To enjoy satellite TV on PC or record video, you still
need to install player software and right set the search
parameters.The above series of TBS TV tuner Card is
compatible with a lot of software like TBSViewer,
DVBDream, ProgDVB etc.
Here is a link is for downloading Player software.
Fordetailed installation instructions, see its Software
Installation Instructions.
Moreover, you can check some Video Guide on the
following link:
4.1 Used by DVB Dream, setting up satellites(see below)
4.2 Enter the corresponding satellite video point, symbol
rate for locking (see below)
4.3 Save the show after playing