Rudder (NOTE – both the rudder and tailwheel cables are crossed)
Install rudder horn using Hysol
Glue rudder in place using Hysol
Install ball links in outer holes (3” spread).
Install pull-pull cable. Use the centered ball link, not the offset ball link (look at the way that the
brass ball is machined and you will see a difference). Loop the cable through the terminator, then
use heat shrink tubing.
Install the cables to the retractable tailwheel assembly. It may be necessary to remove the
tailwheel assembly from the airplane. Connect the cables to the servo arm.
Before installing the rudder servo (Hitec HS-7955 for highest performance), install the included
servo arm or use aftermarket servo arm (SWB 3” is recommended). Install 4 ball links for the
rudder and tailwheel steering as shown in photo. Use the outside holes on the servo arm for the
rudder and the inside servo holes for the tailwheel steering. Then install servo.
Connect the cables by pulling the cables taught, and marking them where they should pass
through the terminator. Using a felt tip pen, mark the cable itself. Then disconnect the cable from
the rudder and tailwheel steering arm. Then terminate the cables. Then reinstall and adjust as
In the photo below, note that there are 2 holes in the top of the wing, under the fuselage, where the air lines and
flap and aileron servo extensions enter the cockpit area. Note we have only airlines going through the left hole,
and airlines and both the flap and aileron extensions on the right hole (close to the Rx).
Note placement of air fill valve and pressure gauge.