Periodic Maintenance 1 Action filters
Never open the filter under pressure!
to release pressure turn the handle to flush position and
open the flush valve 1/2"
Before servicing the filter make sure it is empty of water
and the inlet valve is closed.
Secondary flush port cleaning
The secondary flush port should be examined every 30 days or if
the flush cycle does not reduce the head loss (filter does not
flush effectively).
Disassemble the flush valve 1/2" F with nipple 1/2" (Picture H-1).
Rotate the screen disc counterclockwise and pull out (Picture I)
Make sure the screen is intact and has no tears
Flush thoroughly under stream of water.
Return the screen disc to its place and rotate clockwise until it
Assemble the nipple with the flush valve and close.
Discs manual cleaning
The Discs should be cleaned manually at the beginning of the
irrigation season and every 90 days thereafter or if the flush cycle
does not reduce the head loss (filter does not flush effectively).
Open the tightening ring (Picture H-2) counterclockwise pull it down
and put aside.
Release the filter cup (Picture H-3) by pulling down and nudging from
side to side.
Open the lock bolt (Picture J-4) with screwdriver and remove piston
(Picture J-5) and ratchet (Picture J-6).
Remove the O-ring carefully avoiding damage (Picture K-7).
Remove the discs carefully (Picture K-8).
Flush discs thoroughly under stream of water. Make sure hard
adhesives are removed.
In case the discs are still not clean perform a manual flushing with
HCL solution, see instructions doc. attached.
Return all discs to the spine
make sure you returned all of them
(Picture K-8).
Return the O-ring carefully avoiding damage (Picture K-7).
Return the piston with ratchet and close lock bolt (Picture J-4) with
Tighten the cup (Picture H-3) to the filter body and position the cup
protrusion opposite the socket in the filter body. (Picture H)
Return the locking ring (Picture H-2) to its place and tighten by hand.
Picture J
Picture K
Picture I
Picture H