background image

An electro-mechanical safety device prevents the door from
opening whilst the appliance is operating,thus preventing access to the inside of the
machine and the consequent danger of injuries to the hands from coming into contact
with high temperatures or from the movement of the dr um.

6- Safety features

6.1 - The door

6.2 - The wash motor

In the event of mechanical underload or overload,a thermal safety device automatically
protects the motor.

6.3 - Heating

H e a t i n g   o f   t h e   wa s h   wa t e r   c a n n o t   s t a r t   u n t i l   t h e   r e q u i r e d   wa t e r   l eve l   i s   r e a c h e d .
If there  is not enough water or the tap is off,the machine stops (the prog ram does not
move forward).
A safety ther mostat prevents excess temperatures.

6.4 - Plumbing.Water inlet

In the event of the f ilter being blocked the machine will never overflow.

6.5 - Child safety

T h e   a c c e s s e s   t o   t h e   d o o r   a n d   t o   t h e   p u m p   m o t o r   f i l t e r   a r e   p r o t e c t e d   a g a i n s t   a ny
accidental handling by children.

d) The machine is filling with water and draining at the same time.Check that:

e) The machine is vibrating or making a lot of noise. Check that:
- The block release operation has been carried out (Section 2.1).
- The washing machine is properly levelled (Section 2.3).
- The washing machine is not vibrating due to contact with furniture or a wall.

f) The machine is leaking water. Check that:
- The f ilter cap is tightly closed and with the trim in ist place.

- The inlet hose is tightened on both sides and with the trim in ist place.

- The detergent used is loose powder and is not forming lumps which clog the soap drawer.
- The washing machine is well levelled and not leaning forwards.

g) The machine is not washing to your satisfaction. Check that:
- You have chosen the right temperature an program.
- You are using the right dose of detergent.
- The f ilter is not clogged and so the rinses are not working properly.

h) If the loading door will not open, remember that:
- The pilot lamp (if there is one) must be off. If it is not, press the button to the STOP
position and wait about two minutes before trying to open it.
If after making these checks, the doubts or abnormalities continue, then call our Technical
Assistance Service who will attend to you as soon as possible.

The telephone number can be found in the control list of Technical Assistance Services,
or on the own machine customer attention and Technical Service DIRECT LINE label.

- The drainage hose is positioned at the right height (Section 2.2) and that it is not syphoning
because the diameters of this hose and the drain where it is resting are very tight.



Summary of Contents for TLV 5555

Page 1: ...461305651 TLV 1055 TLV 8555 TLV 5555 M quina de lavar roupa Washing machine Lavadora TLV 1055S TLV 1255...

Page 2: ...rados num proprio sistema de recolha clasifica o e reciclagem Ponto Verde Se deseja desfacer se deles pode utilizar os contentores p blicos apropriados para cada tipo de material i Distinguido cliente...

Page 3: ...omandos 8 Tabela de programas 3 1 Caracter sticas espec ficas 2 Instalaci n 3 Manejo 4 Conservaci n 5 Advertencias y consejos 6 Seguridades 7 Mandos 8 Tabla de programas INDICE 1 Specification 2 Insta...

Page 4: 2 200 W M Pulsador ECO 1 2 carga Anchura 60 cm Ver Apdo 7 Mandos Velocidad de centrifugado Consumo de energ a lavado algod n a 60 C sin prelav 550 Gasto de agua lavado algod n a 60 C sin prelav 13...

Page 5: ...a del suelo entre 50 y 80 cm La presi n del agua de red ha de estar comprendida entre 0 4 y 10 bar C H Max 80 cm Min 50 cm Situar el tubo de desag e dentro de un tubo de mayor di metro o apoyar el mis...

Page 6: ...s Que la tensi n de alimentaci n sea monof sica 220 230 V 230 240 para UK Que el contador del abonado el limitador los fusibles la toma de corriente y la instalaci n est n dimensionados para la potenc...

Page 7: ...era Sector 1 Detergente de prelavado M x 50 gr 3 1 Puerta de carga Apertura Caso A Presionar con los dedos ndice y medio la palanca escondida Tirar hacia fuera Caso B Tirar de la palanca puerta hacia...

Page 8: ...a la puerta de la misma llenados los compartimientos de la cubeta de detergente y elegido el programa adecuado para poner en marcha la lavadora no tiene m s que accionar el bot n del programador P o p...

Page 9: ...trae la jabonera tirando fuerte hacia fuera y se limpia adecuadamente Para la limpieza del filtro proceder de la siguiente forma Abrir la puerta de acceso A Desenroscar la tapa B hasta su liberaci n E...

Page 10: ...avadora debe ser realizada nicamente por especialistas Despu s de cada lavado dejar la puerta semiabierta a fin de evitar deformaciones de la junta de goma Cuando la ropa est muy sucia o impregnada de...

Page 11: ...2 3 La lavadora no vibra por contacto con muebles o pared f La m quina pierde agua comprobar que La tapa del filtro si lleva est bien cerrada y con la guarnici n en su sitio El tubo de entrada est bi...

Page 12: ...nsi n una seguridad t rmica protege autom ticamente el motor 6 3 De calentamiento El calentamiento del agua de lavado no puede comenzar hasta que se alcance el nivel de agua necesario Si falta agua o...

Page 13: ...13 Espa ol A M X L P V T Y C R X L P T Y C M X L P T C TLV 1255 TLV 8555 TLV 1055 TLV 1055S TLV 5555...

Page 14: el bot n en el sentido de las agujas del reloj hasta coincidir el ndice con el programa elegido Puesta en marcha de la lavadora Una vez elegido el programa adecuado accionar de nuevo el pulsador ma...

Page 15: velocidad de centrifugado de los ltimos minutos de los programas de algod n Tecla fuera Velocidad de centrifugado de 850 1000 rpm Tecla dentro Velocidad de centrifugado de 550 rpm Una vez elegido e...

Page 16: ...y se ha de depositar en el departamento correspondiente de la jabonera La m quina autom ticamente la arrastra en el momento adecuado k En los programas Sint ticos y Lana no accionar jam s el pulsador...

Page 17: con prelavado Cargas mixtas Lavado lana 60 PULSADORES 1 Lavado 60 4 acl centrif Lavado 40 4 acl centrif 4 acl centrif 1 acl centrif Prelav 40 lav 60 3 acl centrif Lavado 60 3 acl centrif Lavado 40...

Page 18: ...3 acl centrif Lavado 60 3 acl centrif Lavado 40 3 acl centrif 1 acl centrif 2 3 4 Centrifugado suave Colores delicados Suavizante Aclarados suaves Centrifug 2 5 x 550 rpm 30 6 3 acl centrif 0 03 12 C...

Page 19: ...a de lavagem 2 200 W Largura 60 cm Al 7 Comandos Velocidade de centrifuga o Consumo de energ a lavagem algod o 60 C sem pr lav Gasto de gua lavagem algod o 60 C sem pr lav 19 1 ciclo de lavagem 200 ci...

Page 20: ...eder ao desbloqueio da tina de p r a m quina em funcionamento Para isso proceder da seguinte maneira O local de despejo de gua suja deve disp r de una saida curvada a 3 4 a uma dist ncia do solo a alt...

Page 21: ...220 230 V 230 240 U K Que o contador o limitador os fusiveis a tomada de corrente e a instala o el ctrica est o altura da pot ncia indicada na placa de caracter sticas desta m quina Utilizar uma fich...

Page 22: pr lavagem M x 50 gr 3 Manejo 3 1 Porta de carga Abertura Caso A Premir com os dedos indicador e m dio a alavanca escondida Puxar para fora Caso B Puxar a alavanca da porta para fora Aten o SectoR...

Page 23: ...compartimentos do dep sito de detergentes escolhido o programa adequado SO PRECISA DE ACCIONAR O BOT O DO PROGRAMADOR P OU BOT O LIGADO DESLIGADO X A POSICION LIGADO A m quina efectuar automaticament...

Page 24: ...pela boca do dep sito de detergentes Para eliminar estes restos de detergentes tira se o dep sito de detergentes e limpa se adequadamente Para a limpeza do filtro proceder da maneira seguinte Abrir a...

Page 25: ...eixar a porta semiaberta a fim de evitar deforma es na junta de borracha Quando a roupa est muito suja e impregnada de barro conveniente realizar um programa de prelavagem Carregar a m quina no m ximo...

Page 26: ...e se de que O piloto se o tem deve estar apagado Se n o est accionar o bot o para a posi o paragem e esperar uns dos minutos antes de tentar abrir Se depois de efectuadas estas verifica es as d vidas...

Page 27: ...a t rmica protege automaticamente o motor 6 3 Aquecimento O aquecimento da gua da m quina n o pode come ar sem que se alcance o n vel de gua necess ria Se falta gua ou a torneira est fechada a m quin...

Page 28: ...28 Portugu s A M X L P V T Y C R X L P T Y C M X L P T C TLV 1255 TLV 8555 TLV 1055 TLV 1055S TLV 5555...

Page 29: ...l gio at que coincida con o programa escolhido Coloca o em funcionamento da m quina de lavar Ap s escolhido o programa adequado accionar novamente o bot o MARCHA PARAGEM Bot o para dentro A m quina de...

Page 30: ...o funciona Uma vez accionado bot o para dentro interrompe o ciclo de lavagem dos programas sint ticos e l no ltimo enxaguamento com a cuba cheia de gua Esta fun ao adequada para evitar rugas em certos...

Page 31: ...dequado k Nos programas l e sint ticos nunca accionar o bot o ECO 1 2 carga c Com o selector de temperaturas pode se escolher a temperatura desejada sempre inferior indicada na tabela de programas Al...

Page 32: 40 4 enx centrif 4 enx centrif 1 enx centrif Prel 40 lav 60 3 enx centrif Lavag 60 3 enx centrif Lavag 40 3 enx centrif Lavag 30 3 enx centrif 3 enx centrif 5 x 550 rpm 2 5 x 550 rpm Lavag 90 4 enx...

Page 33: ...Lavag 50 3 enx centrif Lavag 40 3 enx centrif 1 enx centrif Lavag 30 3 enx centrif 3 enx centrif Lavag 90 4 enx centrif Lavag 60 3 enx centrif DESCRI O PROGRAMA T E C I D O SINTETICOS TEMPO MINUTOS P...

Page 34: ...lamp P Programme selector T Temperature selector A Rinse and hold push button H Filter door I Adjustable feet M Half load push button Y Extra rinse push button Synthetics 2 75 kg Wool 1 kg 1 cycle of...

Page 35: ...r this Bithermical H Hot water connection C Cold water connection After removing the external packing the drum must be un blocked before the machine is used This is done in the following manner 1 Unsc...

Page 36: ...ine to good ARTIFICIAL EARTH consult your dealer THE WASHING MACHINE MUST BE WELL EARTHED NOTE If the power supply cable is damaged it should be substituted by a specially prepared replacement cable t...

Page 37: ...1 Pre wash soap 50 gr Max 3 1 Loading door Opening Case A 1 Press the hidden lever with the index and middle fingers 1 2 Pull outwards Case B Pull the door lever outwards Section 2 Main wash soap 125...

Page 38: ...chine now loaded the door closed the soap drawer compartments filled and the right program chosen to start the machine you just need to PULL OUT THE PROGRAMMER CONTROL BUTTON P OR ON THE PUSH BUTTON X...

Page 39: ...oap drawer by pulling it outwards and clean it thoroughly In order to clean the filter carry out the following Open the access door A Place a container to catch any water Unscrew the cap B until it is...

Page 40: ...tion 3 2 Small garments such as socks belts etc are best put inside a bag to avoid them being lost Before putting clothes into the washing machine make sure that there is nothing in the pockets coins...

Page 41: ...lled Section 2 3 The washing machine is not vibrating due to contact with furniture or a wall f The machine is leaking water Check that The filter cap is tightly closed and with the trim in ist place...

Page 42: ...42 English A M X L P V T Y C R X L P T Y C M X L P T C TLV 1255 TLV 8555 TLV 1055 TLV 1055S TLV 5555...

Page 43: ...on again position in The machine will start and automatically carry out all the wash functions until the end of the cycle The programme control will turn as the different functions are carried out unt...

Page 44: ...omatically carry out all the chosen functions until the end of the programme Stop position When the push button is pressed OUT the machine will not work Y Extra rinse push button 44 C No spin push but...

Page 45: ...utton with the wool and synthetic programmes c One can choose the desired temperature with the temperature selector but always lower than that indicated in the programme table section 8 45 English i T...

Page 46: ...60 3 rinse spin Wash 40 3 rinse spin Wash 30 3 rinse spin 3 rinse spin 1 rinse spin Whites with pre wash Intensive rinses Softener Intensive spinning English 46 C SELECTOR 90 60 40 5 5 2 75 1 3 25 14...

Page 47: Whites with pre wash Intensive rinses Softener Intensive spinning Jeans Wool wash Delicate rinses Softener Delicate spinning Wash 90 4 rinse spin Spin 550 rpm 8 Wash programme table FABRIC PRODUCTS...

Page 48: ...R Avda Barcelona s n E 25790 OLIANA SPAIN EU...
