Taurus S2 User Guide
Please read your
warranty carefully,
as this may vary
between different
Chapter 4 - Appendix
Technical Questions
For RMA and other questions, please contact your vendor or
check out their online support area!
Q: What file system should I choose to format my drive?
This will depend on how you want to use the drive but in
general, here is what we recommend:
Windows 2000/XP/Vista
Mac OS X
HFS+ (Mac OS Extended)
To use it on both PC and Mac
bout this Manual
opyright 2008 by Macpower & Tytech Technology Co., Ltd. all Rights Reserved
ontained in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable. Macpower & Tytech
es no responsibility for any errors contained in this manual. Macpower & Tytech
the right to make changes in the specifications and/or design of this product without
rams contained in this manual may also not fully represent the product that you are
r illustration purposes only. Macpower & Tytech Technology assumes no responsibility
for any differences between the product mentioned in this manual and the product you may have.
This manual covers the Taurus S2 model. Firmware, images
and descriptions may slightly vary between this manual and the
actual product you have.
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Technology assum
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prior notice. The diag
using and are there fo
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