Marchesan Implementos e Máquinas Agrícolas “TATU” S.A.
Rear scraper storage
Before storing the cutter, we recommend some precautions to preserve its properly
functioning and to let it ready for the next job.
• During offseason, clean the product residues that remain on the equipment after its
• Wash the whole equipment with water to remove the dirty grease and the earth that
accumulates in the corners;
• Repair the damaged paintwork, if required;
• Apply a layer of oil in any surface that may dry or erode and lubricate the grease
fittings (if there is any);
• Check the moving parts for wearing occurence. If necessary, replace these parts;
• Replace the missing or damaged safety decals. Marchesan provides these decals,
upon request and indication of the respective serial number. The operator must know the
need to keep these decals in place and in good conditions. Also, the operator must be
aware that an accident can occur if the instructions are not followed.
• Keep the equipment in a sheltered and dry place, protected from direct sunlight and
rain, properly supported by the jacks to avoid the equipment contact with the soil.