Interiors and Accessories
Rear Ash tray
Rear Ash Tray : (if fitted)
Ash trays are provided on both rear doors for the occupants at the
To open the rear ash tray press the lid, it will rotate outward.
To remove the ashtray open fully and press down to disengage the
top piot pin.
To refit the as tray, locate the bottom piot pin and push the top piot
pin in to place.
Do not forget to extinguish the cigarette butts, before putting
them in the ash tray.
Do not put paper or other flammable material in the ash trays.
Digital Clock :
A digital clock is provided in the middle of the dash board. It displays
the time when the steering lock cum ignition switch is in 'IGN' position.
Three push knobs 'H', 'M' and 'Z' are provided for setting the time and
for resetting the display to zero - 'H' for hours setting, 'M' for minute
setting and 'Z' for setting minutes to zero.