Format your CF card
After powering up the unit, press
button. Select
Full format
the first
time you are using a new or used card. It can take a while, so do this BEFORE you arrive on set.
Subsequently, just use the
quick format
Most mixers utilize the following workflow: Begin the project with a full formatted, fresh compact flash
card. At the end of the day, or when the card is almost full, remove the card and transfer the files over
to a laptop. As soon as the used card is removed, replace it immediately with a fresh one. Perform a
quick format, and then set up your project files, so that your recorder is good to go. (Keep a written
notepad with all of your project specs and naming conventions, so that all of your “blank” cards remain
consistent.) After transferring the files from the used card, perform a quick format and project setup on
that card, as well. In this manner, you will always have one in the machine, and another ready for a
quick change out.
New system firmware version 1.10 offered during the Fall of 2011 enables you to record to two compact
flash cards simultaneously, so that your material is still safe in the event that one CF card malfunctions
during a recording. A REC MODE tab has been added to the REC SET UP screen, which enables you to