Updating the Firmware Version
One of the best features of the Tascam HS-P82 is the ability to update your firmware to the latest
version. The engineers are continually improving on the basic design, and adding new features as well as
shortcuts to simplify the workflow.
When you download a firmware update from Tascam to your computer, it will be in the form of a zipped
file. Extract and save the uncompressed version of the file to your hard drive. Then, copy and paste the
uncompressed file to the root file of your compact flash card.
If your computer cannot read compact flash cards directly from one of its existing card reader
slots, then buy yourself an external card reader at your local computer store. You will need it for
copying dailies on the set, anyway.
With your recorder powered OFF, insert the compact flash card into slot 1. Depress the PAUSE and
RECORD buttons simultaneously, while you power up the unit. The display screen should show the
firmware version that it found on the CF card, and ask you if you want to upload it. If you have a
collection of firmware versions on a CF card (I store a copy of all of my firmware on a small CF card that I
do not use for audio recording), then it will allow you to select which firmware to load.
Part 2: Recording without a mixing panel
This section of the guide will explain how to record audio directly into the recorder, stand alone, without
a mixing device.
It is assumed that you have already performed the basic setup tasks to the recorder as described in
Part 1, and have created a Project and Scene folder.