TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual
Play the bass note again at various velocities. When you play loud, the top velocity is selected and
highlighted as if you clicked on it with the mouse. A lower velocity selects the bottom split the same
way. Also, the samples light up in the Sample Window. Th is allows you to instantly locate any
region, dimension, velocity split and sample by playing it via MIDI instead of having to hunt and
peck for it. This ensures that you are indeed editing the correct sample. As we get to more complex
dimensions and more regions, this will be an invaluable tool.
(You will probably want to turn MIDI Select off again when you are tweaking various parameters. For
example if you are playing a note in real-time as you adjust a filter on the bottom velocity, you don’t want
the MIDI Select tool constantly throwing you to the top velocity split every time you play too loud. Th is is a
tool that you will toggle on and off depending on what you are doing.)
Adding a Second Dimension
Now we will add another dimension to the sustaining bass note we have been working on. This will be a
Mod Wheel dimension that will allow the Mod Wheel to switch between the sustain samples and some
short staccato samples, each with two velocities.
1. Import the two Bass-Staccato folders into the Sample Window
(Bass-Stac f and Bass-Stac p).
2. Click the header at the top of one of the unused dimension windows.
This will bring up the Dimension Controller dialog.
You can use any of the empty dimension windows to the right of the
Velocity window, but to keep it simple, use the top one.
3. On the Control
Source menu, choose
“(1) Mod wheel”