Model 12 operations
USB audio input and output when in DAW control mode
When in DAW control mode, only audio input through Model 12 channels 1-2 can be heard.
By setting Model 12 channels 1-2 as the outputs for the DAW master audio, the sound can be monitored with the Model 12 while
operating the DAW.
The following Model 12 controls can be used when in DAW control mode.
The knobs, switches and buttons inside the green frame in the illustration below are enabled for sound sent to the computer.
The blue knobs, switches and faders in the illustration below are enabled for sound from the computer.
Regardless of operation, the red switches in the illustration below are always on
Regardless of operation, the yellow knobs, switches and faders in the illustration below are fixed to the following settings for sound
from the computer
PAN knob (1-2)
Regardless of knob operation, channels 1 and 2 are always L and R, respectively.
Channel faders (1-2)
Regardless of fader operation, these are always 0 dB.
AUX 1/2/MAIN switches
Regardless of switch operation, these are always MAIN.
If the unit is turned off while in DAW control mode, it will still be in DAW control mode when restarted.
To use it in ordinary mode, end DAW control mode with the
TASCAM Model 12 DAW Controlmode Manual