4.Tüketici herhangi bir anlaþmazlýk durumunda, ilgili yasa, yönetmelik ve tebliðlerde belirtildiði üzere, ilgili hakem
heyetine ve tüketici mahkemelerine baþvurma hakkýna sahiptir.
5.Aletin kullaným ömrü (10) yýldýr.
6.Makinanýzla birlikte size TARAL YETKÝLÝ SERVÝS KÝTAPÇIÐI verilecektir. Servis ve yedek parça istekleriniz için
bu kitaptan yararlanabilirsiniz.
The warranty specifications of this machine, which is produced by TARAL are given in the warranty certificate
supplied together with this machine. This warranty certificate, which is prepared regarding the regulations based on the
Law About the Protection of the Consumer with the date of 23.02.1995 and number of 4077, is given with the
permission of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Istanbul Industry and Trade City Management.
1- The machine is out of the framework of the warranty, if the machine is operated disregarding the first operation
procedure described in this manual.
2- The responsibility of the producer company does not include the damages to the human beings and other items
during operation, even if they depend on the flaw or production errors. Therefore the cost of any direct and indirect
damage and loss will not be paid.
3- If the serial number stamped on the machine is changed, if any modification is made, if the machine is involved in
an accident, if the buyer does not obey the responsibilities in the contract appropriately, if the assembly is not done by
the authorized personnel of the producer company, if any modification or maintenance is performed without the
permission of the producer company, the warranty is not valid.
4- In the case of any disagreement, as stated in the corresponding regulations and laws, the consumer has the right to
apply to the arbitration committee and consumer courts.
5- The operation life of the machine is 10 years.
6- TARAL AUTHORIZED SERVICE BOOKLET will be given to you with the machine. You can make use of this
booklet for your service or spare parts needs.
Deðerli müþterimiz, ürünümüzü kullanmaya baþlamadan önce, ürünle birlikte verilen ÝLK ÇALIÞTIRMA KUPONU
ile birlikte size en yakýn TARAL Yetkili Servisine baþvurarak makinenizin ÝLK ÇALIÞTIRMASINI yaptýrýnýz. Bu
iþlem için, makinaya eklenecek yað, yakýt vb. sarf malzemeleri hariç herhangi bir ücret ödemeyeceksiniz. Bu iþlem
sýrasýnda size makinanýn kullanýmý ve bakýmý hususunda bilgi verilecektir. TARAL Yetkili Servisince Ýlk Çalýþtýrma
iþlemi yapýlmamýþ makineler GARANTÝ KAPSAMI DIÞINA ÇIKACAKTIR.
Dear consumers, before starting to use our product, make the first operation of your machine by visiting the TARAL
authorized service, which is nearest to your location, together with the FIRST OPERATION COUPON supplied with
the machine. You will not be charged for this, except for the materials to be added to the machine like oil, fuel, etc.
During this procedure you will be informed about the operation and maintenance of the machine. The machines, which
are not gone through the first operation procedure performed by TARAL authorized service, will be EXCLUDED
Taral daima ürettiði malýn tasarým ve kalitesini sürekli geliþtirmeye gayret eder. Bu tanýtma ve kullanma kýlavuzu
basýldýðýnda en son ve en yeni bilgileri içermesine raðmen toprak frezesi ile tanýtma ve kullanma kýlavuzu arasýnda
bazý küçük farklýlýklar olabilir. Kýlavuzla ilgili herhangi bir þüpheli durumda lütfen bir yetkili satýcýmýza baþvurun. Bu
tanýtma ve kullanma kýlavuzu toprak frezesinin eksiksiz bir parçasýdýr. Ve daima makina satýldýðýnda makina ile birlikte
Önce stop manetini (1) daha sonra debriyaj manetini (2) sýkarak kilit mandalý (3) ile iki maneti kilitleyin.Daha sonra
motor el kitabýna göre motorunuzu çalýþtýrýn.Stop manetini (1)sýký vaziyette iken debriyaj manetini býrakarak aletinizi
Summary of Contents for 16M
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