The VQ 60, VQ 100 and VQ DF are fitted with 4-pole Neutrik Speakonʻ connectors and barrier strip for fixed
Speakon Connections -
Speakon has the following advantages over EP and XLR type connectors:
All terminations are solderless; this makes life easier at the time of installation or when field servicing is required.
Contacts will accept 6 sq. mm wire with an outside diameter of up to 15mm and a current rating of 30 Amps. The
pins of the 2 Speakon sockets identified input/output on the rear of the input panel are paralleled within the
enclosure to facilitate the connection to additional VQ loudspeakers (Except the VQ MB). Tannoy has adopted the
standard professional audio wiring convention for the VQ product.
VQ 60 and VQ 100
Speakeron Connections
LF Negative (-ve)
LF Positive (+ve)
MF/HF Positive (+ve)
MF/HF Negative (-ve)
VQ MB Speakeron
LF Negative (-ve)
LF Positive (+ve)
No connections on pins
2+ and 2-
VQ DF Speakeron
MF/HF Negative (-ve)
MF/HF Positive (+ve)
No connections on pins
1+ and 1-
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