Models with Built-in Stops (-BST)
B-0230-BST Sink mixing faucet with 18” swing nozzle; lever handles
B-0231-BST Sink mixing faucet with 12” swing nozzle; lever handles
B-0232-BST Sink mixing faucet with 6” swing nozzle; lever handles
B-0234-BST Sink mixing faucet with 6” cast nozzle; lever handles
B-0265-BST Combo. sink faucet w/ 18” double-joint swing nozzle
B-0266-BST Combo. sink faucet w/ 15” double-joint swing nozzle
B-0267-BST Combo. sink faucet w/ 12” double-joint swing nozzle
B-0330-BST Combo. sink faucet w/ rigid gooseneck; lever handles
B-0331-BST Combo. sink faucet w/ swivel gooseneck: lever handles
B-0350-BST Surgical sink fct w/rigid gooseneck; 6” WH; rosespray
B-0351-BST Surgical sink fct w/rigid gooseneck; 6” WH; stream reg.
-04 Surg. sink fct w/rigid gooseneck; 6”
4” WH; rosespray
-04 Surg. sink fct w/rigid gooseneck; 6”
4” WH; strm. reg.
B-0363 Service sink fct w/ VB nozzle; 6” WH; bottom brace
B-0650-BSTP Service sink fct w/ pail hook nozzle; bttm. brace; pol.
B-0650-BSTR Service sink fct w/ pail hook nozzle; bttm. brace; roh.
B-0652 Service sink fct; 6” WAH; bottom brace
B-0655-BSTP Service sink fct w/ VB nozzle; bottom brace; polished
B-0655-BSTR Service sink fct w/ VB nozzle; bottom brace; rough
B-0657-BST Service sink fct w/ VB nozzle; 6” WAH; bottom brace
B-0660-BSTP Service sink fct w/ pail hook nozzle; top brace; polish
B-0660-BSTR Service sink fct w/ pail hook nozzle; top brace; rough
B-0665-BSTP Service sink fct w/ VB & pail hook; top brace; polish
B-0665-BSTR Service sink fct w/ VB & pail hook; top brace; rough
B-0674-BSTP Service sink fct w/ VB & pail hook nozzle; polished
B-0674-BSTR Service sink fct w/ VB & pail hook nozzle; rough