Getting Status and Information
SCSI ID <value as applicable>
Fibre Channel ID <value as applicable>
Fibre Topology <value as applicable>
Fibre Channel Speed <value as applicable>
SAS Address <value as applicable>
SAS Port Address <value as applicable>
Assigned Partition <1, 2, 3, or 4>
Control Path <Enabled, Disabled>
Drive Serial Number (Drive SN) <value>
Drive Firmware Version (Drive FW) <value>
World-Wide Name
World-Wide Node Name
The following partition and drive information is available from the Partitions Report:
Partition Number
Drive members <Drive ID>
Magazine members
Control Path <Yes or No, Drive ID>
Status <online/offline>
Total number of storage slots
Total number of cartridges
Barcode Reporting Mode <6 Character or 13 Character>
Auto Clean <Enabled or Disabled>
The path to open the report from the
Reports > Partitions
The Network Report provides information on the following library settings:
Basic Network Settings: Address mode (static or dynamic), IP address, subnet mask, gateway,
MAC address.
Notification Settings: SNMP server, IP address, E-mail address, Notification enabled or disabled,
Severity Level.
Pass-Thru Settings: Pass-Thru mode, slave library IP address.
The paths to open the appropriate screens are:
From the
, select
Reports > Network
From the
, select
Menu > Reports > Network