TW5340 User Manual
©2014 -2015 Tallysman Wireless, Inc.
reduced e.g. if you configure message list 3 to output GGA at 8 Hz then message list 1
can be configure to output once per second (by setting the Message List 1 Rate to 8).
Note 1: When configuring additional NMEA lists check that the baud rate is high enough
to ensure there is enough time to output all messages.
10 Hz. Operation
For 10 Hz operation the following configuration settings are required:
[1] In the “Interface” tab: set the “NMEA Baudrate” to at least 115200.
The next time the configurator is run be sure to set the “COM Port Baudrate” in the
“Program” Menu “COM Port…” tab to the same value.
[2] In the “General” tab set:
[a] “Fix Rate (sec)” option to “.1”
[b] “CPU Clock Speed” option to “208 MHz (PLL)”
[3] In the “Message” tab set:
[a] “Delay from Fix to Start of Output (ms)” option to 0
[b] Uncheck all items from List #1 and List #2 (*)
[c] Check just one item for List #3
(*) If more NMEA sentence outputs are required, then set the “Message List #1 Rate”
option to 10 , so the selected sentences in List #1 are output at most once per second.
[4] If fix rate is > 5Hz.
[a] In the “Tracking” tab check “High Dynamics”.
This enables a higher DSP sample rate.