Takk 400T Series Installation & Operating Instructions Download Page 1

The Ion-Edge is a highly effective AC static neutralization system. Please read the following 

instructions carefully to ensure correct installation, safe operation and peak performance.


The Model 200 Power Supply is a highly reliable unit that supplies 6000 volts of AC current to the  
Ion-Edge Bar.


A 6



 foot grounded power cord is supplied with the power supply. The unit must be plugged into a 

grounded outlet or wired to a grounded control box.





Input Volts:  115VAC Standard (220VAC optional)



Output Volts:  6000VAC



Cycles:  50/60



Starting Load:  <0.5 amps



Running Load:  <0.5 amps


The Power Supply can be mounted to any solid surface via the mounting tabs extending out from the 
bottom side of the unit or placing the unit in an enclosure. Keep in mind the positioning of the Ionizing 
Bar when locating the Power Supply. A standard 6.5' (foot) power cable is supplied with the bar. 

Once the unit has been mounted, switch the unit to the OFF position (the lighted rocker switch is 
located on the side of the unit near the cord end—rock the switch downward) and then route the power 
cord to the designated outlet. (The Power Supply can be wired directly to a machine switch so the unit 
is only running when the machine is running and off when it is not.) The Power Supply is now ready to 
receive the Ionizing Bar.


 Always keep the Power Supply powered OFF when the system is not in use. Unplug or 

disconnect the power to the controller when the system is being serviced.


The Ion-Edge bar is a one piece, lightweight unit. The in-line high voltage cable has a screw-in type 
connector enabling quick and easy hook-up to the power supply. 

At each end of the bar are positioned an 



 stud and nuts that can be fastened to a mounting bracket or 

chain, not supplied. Longer bars will have mount studs and nuts positioned symmetrically in the middle 
of the bar. 

ion-EdgE ModEl 400T SEriES

inSTallaTion & opEraTing inSTrucTionS
