P r o ble m
Hovercraft runs slowly,
or won't m ove, or
won't steer
E rratic operation, loss
of control, short range
Hovercraft stops
working after going in
water or snow
B attery life is short
P r o ba ble C a u s e
- B atteries dead or low
- B atteries installed incorrectly
- Loose battery connection
- Power switch is off
- R adio interference
- W eak Transm itter battery
- W eak hovercraft battery
- W ater in battery/electronics/m otor areas
- B attery pack not charged fully
- B attery pack charged when hot
- B attery pack faulty or worn out
C o r r e c t io n
- R emove and replace batteries, making sure battery direction (polarity, / )
is correct and battery compartment contacts are clean.
- R echarge hovercraft battery. R eplace transm itter battery.
- Turn on Power switch.
- M ove to another location.
- Point antenna up in the air, not at hovercraft. Don't touch antenna.
- R echarge 6.0V battery pack or replace 9V (6F22) battery in transm itter.
- Turn power switch off IM M E DIAT E LY, rem ove all batteries, dry inside and
out with clean soft cloth and allow to dry overnight with battery door off.
- R echarge battery pack
- A lways allow battery pack to cool before charging
- R eplace battery pack
© 2004 Taiyo K ogyo Co., Ltd. 1-23-17, Higashiyotsugi, K atsushika-ku, Tokyo, J apan A ll R ights R eserved. Product specifications subject to change.
Product m ay differ from illustrations.
H o v e r c r a f t Tips
1. In order to race or operate two hovercrafts together, one m ust be 27M Hz (S ilver/B lue) and one m ust be 40M Hz (S ilver/R ed).
2. Hovercraft are not designed to go up hills or inclines.
3. W ater should be calm , without waves, turbulence or strong currents. Do not operate in rivers or stream s.
4. Do not operate hovercraft in salt water. S alt will corrode m etal parts and void warranty.
A ir B a g S k ir t C a r e
1. Do not operate your hovercraft where the surface is with sharp edge, rough surface or high tem parture heat to avoid skirt wreck or worn out in
order to m ake A ir B ag S kirt last longer.
2. W hen the A ir B ag S kirt has been accidently wrecked or worn out, do not repair by yourself, because of it's
particular skirt sealing structure. Please
kindly contact the Custum er S ervice Hot Line indicated on the first page of the M anual, or contact the shop where you have purchased.
R /C F a c t s f o r Im pr o v e d O pe r a t io n
1. W hen battery start to fully discharge, hovercraft m ay slow, stop, or refuse to respond to your control. It's tim e to recharge hovercraft battery or
replace transm itter battery. T his is absolutely the #1 cause of all problem s and questions!
2. R adio frequency interference can interfere with the control of your hovercraft. B uildings, power wires, other R /C transm itters, or CB radio can all
cause problem s. Pick a place to drive and keep away from these things.
3. Hold Transm itter so antenna points up, not toward the hovercraft. K eep hovercraft within range (about 20 m eters) to keep control. If hovercraft goes
out of range, try lifting transm itter high into air to increase range for hovercraft recovery.
4. W ipe hovercraft clean and dry after each use, including inside battery com partm ents.
5. Turn hovercraft power switch off im m ediately after running. R em ove batteries for storing. K eep hovercraft and Transm itter away from heat and
direct sunlight and m oisture.
Tr o u ble s h o o t in g G u ide
Don't take your hovercraft back to the store--try solving problem s using this valuable guide.
S taatweg 111, 3621 B K B reukelen Holland
The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Such
modifications could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.