NSTL" Year 2000 Test" Certification Letter
April 13, 1999
Testing Date : April 12, 1999
Certification Date : April 13, 1999
Certification Number : NCY2000-990413-012
P2BXA-V system has passed NSTL Year 2000 certification test program. The Year 2000 test program tests a
personal computer for its ability to support the year 2000.
The Year 2000 certification test has been done under the following system configuration:
System Model Name
Hardware Revision
: REV 1.06
CPU Model
: Intel Pentium II 450/100 MHz
On Board Memory / L2 Cache
: SDRAM DIMM 32MBx1 / 512KB
System BIOS
: Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG P2BXA-V