3.2.3 Hard Disks Setting
The BIOS supports Dual-Channel PIO and PCI Bus Master IDE ports. Each port supports one master
and one slave hard drive. You can use <PageUp> or <PageDown> key to change hard drive type.
Incorrect setting may result in boot up error or system hang.
If your hard disk drive is not listed, you can select Type "USER" to define your own drive manually.
We recommend that you select Type "AUTO" for all drives. The BIOS will auto-detect the hard disk
drive and CD-ROM drive at the POST stage.
If your hard disk drive is a SCSI device, please select "None" for your hard drive setting.
3.2.4 Floppy Drives A&B Setting
Select your floppy disk drive type. Options are 360KB(5.25"), 720KB(3.5"), 1.2MB(5.25"),
1.44MB(3.5"), 2.88MB(3.5").
3.2.5 Video Display Adapter Setting
Select the display adapter type for your system. Options are EGA/VGA, MONO, CGA40 and CGA80.
3.2.6 Halt On
This function allows the system to halt when an error is detected during Power-On Self-Test.
3.3 BIOS Features Setup
The sub-menu (Figure 3-3) includes all AWARD enhanced functions. The correct setting can
enhance boot up efficiency. You can assign system speed, setup sequence, typematic and system
password setting. You can enter <F1> key for help on highlighted topics. If you want to restore
values before the changes you just made, press <F5> key. If you want to restore default value, press
<F6> or <F7> key.
3.3.1 Virus Warning
When enabled, the BIOS will monitor the boot sector and the partition table on the hard drive for any
attempt to modify. If an attempt is detected, the BIOS will halt the system and prompt the warning
message. Select "Disabled" if you are installing a new operating system.
3.3.2 CPU Internal/External Cache
These options are to enable or disable CPU Internal (L1) Cache, or External (L2) Cache.
3.3.3 CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking
Select "Enabled" to enable CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking.