Programmable I/O Lines
TM8000 3DK Hardware Developer’s Kit
Application Manual
September 2003
© Tait Electronics Ltd
Toggle Stand-by Mode
This input signal is used to
toggle between a powered-on state, and a stand-
by state where the radio appears off. The radio will draw approximately 28mA
when in stand-by mode
Configure an input line and associate it with this action. Set the active state
to high and the debounce time (0 to 100 ms).
The input line must be activated for at least 5 s.
When the input line is activated, the radio exits stand-by mode.
When the input line is deactivated, the radio enters stand-by mode.
Related Actions
The ‘
’ input signal can be used to power the radio
down to a consumption of < 1mA.
Power Sense (Ignition)
If AUX_GPI3 is configured for ‘auxiliary power sense’ or IOP_GPIO7 is
programmed for ‘internal options power sense’, these input lines can no
longer be used as general inputs. In order to prevent any other action to be
accidentally programmed for one of these input lines, these input lines
should be set to ‘Power Sense (Ignition)’. This setting itself has no function.
For more information refer to