Tador Technologies
Installation guide
Microphone and speaker volume adjustments
The Intercom Encoder unit leaves the manufacturer site adjusted.
Sometimes because of the location (opened or closed space), acoustical problems occur.
If the Encoder’s speaker sound level is too high or low, gently rotate the internal
potentiometer.(clockwise to lower volume)
If the sound level of the Encoder in the handset is too high or low, gently rotate the internal
MIC potentiometer. (clockwise to lower volume)
Calling at the door
Press shortly on the Bell
Wait for vocal answer. If authorized, the lock will buzz and you
may enter.
Opening the lock using the keyboard
Enter the access code confirm with
The lock will be open for the time value it was programmed.
Each key stroke is followed by a Beep sound, entering a false code or invalid pressing is
followed by a “Beep-Beep-Beep” sound sequence.
When exit the secured area press the bypass pushbutton, the lock will be open for the
programmed time value (could be set to different value than entering).