Active Digitizer (
i440D only
In this mode, the pen doesn’t even need to touch the screen to
activate and move the pointer. Hold the stylus pen as if you were writing with a standard pen.
Place the tip of the stylus just above the screen and move it around. The pointer should follow
the tip of the pen. In this mode your hand may rest on the screen, since this will not affect the
behavior of the pointer.
TIP: When trying to select or activate something on the screen—in either mode—with the stylus pen,
pay attention to the position of the pointer icon on the screen instead of the tip of the pen. When
using a touch screen, the icon will be the standard arrow pointer. In digitizer mode the pointer icon is a
diamond shaped target.
With both a touch screen and an active digitizer, tapping lightly on the screen will perform
a standard left mouse button click. Tapping twice in rapid succession will perform a double-
click. Holding the tip of the pen against the screen without moving it for about a second or so
will perform a standard right mouse button click.
Inputting Data:
You can use the
Tablet PC Input Panels
in Windows 7 and Windows XP
Tablet PC Edition to enter information via the On-Screen Keyboard, Character Pad or Writing
Pad. You’ll find the edge of the Tablet PC Input Panel docked on the left-hand side of your
screen. When in digitizer mode, hovering the pointer over the panel will cause it to slide
outward a bit making it easier to access. Tap on it once to activate the panel and slide it to
the center of your desktop. When finished, tap the “close” icon in the upper right corner of
the panel to re-dock it.
When using a touch screen, tap once on the input panel’s edge to slide it to the center of
your desktop. In Windows 7 you can also enable the
PC Input Panel Toolbar
on the Windows
Taskbar. For more information about using the input panels, see the Windows Quick Start
guide that came with your Sahara Slate PC or check out the Tablet PC Tutorials in Windows.
i440D NOTE: When in active digitizer mode, animated cues, or floating tips, will appear when
performing a right-click operation or when text input is required in tablet aware applications.
Another option for inputting data is the Eyesboard™ Virtual Keyboard application included
with all Sahara Slate PC i400 series Tablet PCs
(may not be included on systems with Windows 7)
This resizable, on-screen virtual keyboard will allow you to type on the screen as you would
with a standard laptop keyboard. Just double-tap on the application’s short-cut icon located
on the desktop to begin using it. You can access the Eyesboard user’s manual by tapping on
the “?” button in the upper right hand corner of the keyboard. Remember to put your i440D
into touch screen mode unless you are planning to type with the stylus.
NOTE: If your system came with Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, you may have to install the Eyesboard
Virtual Keyboard application before you can use it. To install, first double-tap on the .NET Framework
installer located on the desktop to install the .NET Framework. Once installed, double-tap on the
Eyeboard installer icon on the desktop to install the Eyesboard application.
Calibrating the Touch Screen
If you find, while using your Sahara Slate PC (in touch screen mode on the
), that the
position of the pointer arrow isn’t matching the touch of the stylus, you should calibrate the
touch screen.
Locate the Shortcut icon to the
Utility on your desktop and double-tap it to
launch the
Utility application.
Tap on the “Calibration” tab. The default “4-Point” calibration should be sufficient in most
instances for creating an accurate calibration setting.
Tap on the “Calibrate” button to begin the calibration routine. Tap on the center point in
each of the red crosses that appear. When finished, you’ll be returned to the
Utility Calibration panel.