T-Touch Retail Application A1.10
- 45-
6. Problems And Solutions
Possible cause
Common solutions
Can’t turn on power
Mains power is turned off
Power supply not plugged in
Power supply faulty
Internal battery not charged
Display turned off
Check power switch is turned on, and
power LED is working.
Verify the voltage going to the scale
matches the power supply labels on the
power module or scale.
Display is
Air variation
Pan touching somewhere
Sample is moving (animal weighing)
Vibrations through table
Temperature changed dramatically
Power supply / battery faulty
Verify the scale is in an acceptable
location and on a good table / surface.
Verify the power supply is correct for the
Weight value
Calibration error, Recalibrate
Linearity error, Linearity
calibrated with inaccurate weight
Balance not level
some materials between the sample and
Wrong weighing unit displayed
Calibrate again, pay attention to the test
weight used, the stability of the scale,
and the required weighing unit.
If it’s required do the linear calibration.
Check pan is installed correctly.
Verify installed in an acceptable
Cannot use Full
Over load Stopper touching pan support or
bottom of the load cell
Transportation lock not removed,
A/D circuit problem,
Parameters set incorrectly,
Load Cell or mechanics Damaged
Verify any objects under the pan or load
cell, transporting lock, and verify pan
Check the weighing units used.
Not Linear
Overload stopper touching, Load cell or
mechanics damaged
A/D damaged
Verify any objects under the pan or load
cell, transporting lock, and verify pan
Re calibrate and linear calibrate with
ideal standard weights
Off Center
Loading error
Adjust mechanism.
Overload Stops not correct.
Load Cell damaged
Verify any objects under the pan or load
cell, transporting lock, and verify pan
installation. Ensure load cell fixed
Battery will not
Mains voltage not present or too low
Charging circuit failure
Battery Failure
Check power supply voltage is correct.
Verify the batteries are rechargeable
types and charging voltage getting
Touch screen
Touch screen need do correction
Connect a mouse, use mouse to enter
touch screen correction for to calibrate