T-Touch Retail Application A1.10
- 27- Tare Mode
Tare Operation
Press Tare mode list to Multi-Tare Permission or
Multi –Tare Disable.
Multi Tare Permission
: It can do multiple tare
Muti Tare Denied
: One time only can do tare
Press < key at the top of the left corner for to go back to last step, or press other options to go to next
Note: This setting can’t access if in approval mode.
5.2.4 Operating Settings
Product Display
Select the desired PLU display settings.
2 per line: PLU will be display 2 line per page
5 per line: PLU will be display 5 line per page.
Press < key at the top of the left corner for to go
back to last step, or press other options to go to
next step.