3 Functions & Operation.
3.1 Interface introduction.
The diagrammatic drawing for the main interface of modem application software forms into three
parts, related functions can be executed by selecting the corresponding buttons.
3.1.1 Functional button area.
There are various functional button icons shown in this area. Selecting a functional button will carry
out the corresponding operation.
Connect to the Internet.
Send SMS or read SMS.
Save and view the different information of the contacts.
View related information for your Internet operation, such as user name, start time,
disconnect time, duration, data received and data sent.
Set different parameters for the application software.
Show the help information.
3.1.2 System information area.
Shows the system status and different kind of tips.
Shows network signal strength, 6 stages from none
to strong
Indicates insert status of the modem,
indicates it has been connected to the
computer, and indicates a disconnection.
Indicates insert status of the SIM/USIM card.
indicates the card has been
inserted, and red indicates that it has not been inserted.
Indicates the current network type, i. e. EDGE or GPRS, HSPA service.
Name of the current service provider.