Manual Part Number:
Manual File:
023524 Rev. A
P a g e
Unit Fails to Power On
Check the voltage and polarity of the power source. Ensure that the power plug is fully
inserted into the power socket on the unit.
In the unlikely event that an “Error” message is displayed on the screen, power off the unit,
take it to a location outside of the shop environment where fresh air is available and turn the
unit back on. If the “Error” message reappears, refer to the help screens on the instrument or
contact our service department for assistance.
Excess Air/Fail
The Mini ID is equipped with a unique filter located between the coupler and hose. This is a
disposable filter designed to trap oil and sealant to prevent damage to the unit. Remove and inspect
the filter for oil etc. and replace if necessary. Remove any oil in the coupler with compressed air and a
dry cloth. Replacement Filter P/N 6-01-6001-23-1
The Mini ID is equipped with internal fault codes for assistance with troubleshooting. When the
light is illuminated, the code is determined by counting the number of flashes.
Code 3
= Calibration Error
Code 4
= Temperature Error
Code 5
= Calibration Compensation Error
Should one of these codes appear, take the following action prior to contacting you
Neutronics Service Representative.
Disconnect the power from the instrument and verify the power source is between 12
and 15 VDC.
Place the unit in a climate controlled area between 15°C and 27°C.
Fully Squeeze the Calibration Bulb 10 times.
Allow the unit to remain in the climate controlled room for 30 minutes.
Reconnect the unit and re-test.
If these steps fail to restore the unit to good working order, contact:
Neutronics Inc.
456 Creamery Way
Exton, PA 19341, USA
Tel: (610) 524-8800
Fax: (610) 524-8807
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