5. IR Fill Light Control
Turn on the device, enter Black and W hite mode with a long press
of IR button. Switch to IR1-3 or off with a short press of IR button.
The part of fill light is stretchable which can be pull out or push back
to make a quick adjustment.
6. Red dot Adjustment
Turn on the device, then turn the laser on/off with a short press of
Laser/Menu button. The position of laser can be adjusted on the laser
adjustment holes by a hex-nut wrench.
1. Default Magnification:
Enter the submenu Default Magnification with a short press of OK
button. Select “1.0x/ 1.5x/ 2.0x/ 2.5x/ 3.0x/ 3.5x” as default magni-
fication. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button.
2. Default Color:
Enter the submenu Default Color with a short press of OK button.
Select “Color” or “Black & White” mode with a short press of / but-
ton. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button.
3. Brightness Of IR
Enter the submenu Brightness of IR with a short press of OK but-
ton.Select “Off”, “1”, “2”, or “3” with a short press of / button.Con-
firm your selection with a short press of OK button. Please note this
setting is for the default brightness of IR. Pressing IR button under
Black & White mode for instant setting of IR brightness.
4. Brightness
Enter the submenu Brightness with a short press of OK button. Se-
lect “LEVEL 0”, “LEVEL 1”, “LEVEL 2”, “LEVEL 3” with a short press
of / button. Confirm your selection with a short press of OK button.