Chapter 5. Configuration via Web
Socket Port
Set the socket number for the port. TCP server and UDP server
operation mode makes use of this port for awaiting network
socket connections.
Port Alias
Port alias name for convenience. 16 Characters at maximum.
Baud Rate
9600 bps
Set communication speed.
(Options: 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600 bps)
Data Bits
Set the number of bits in each character size.
(Options: 5, 6, 7, 8)
Stop Bits
Set the number of stop bits..
(Options: 1, 2)
Parity None
Set parity bit check scheme..
(Options: None, Odd, Even)
Set the flow control scheme.
(Options: None, Xon/Xoff, RTS/CTS)
Set the signal line checking method for the device to be
connected to the given serial port.
If the mode is set to Data Only, only Txd, Rxd, and Gnd signal lines
are used in inter-device communication. If the mode is set to
Modem Signals, all modem signals except RI(Ring Indicator) are
asserted, tested, and used in communication.
(Options: Data Only, Modem Signals)
Remote IP
Address /
Port /
When the Operation Mode is either TCP Client or UDP Client, set
the IP address and the socket number to connect to..
Keepalive 0
After a certain amount of time passes without any communication
after the socket connection between the given serial port and the
server is established, automatically disconnect the socket
connection. Valid from 0 to 32767.
For example, if the operation mode is set to TCP Server and Alive
Check Time is configured to 10, TCP Server will listen for the
client’s connection and eventually establish a connection. Since
the check time is 10 seconds, the server will wait for 10 seconds
until the client connected to it sends any packet. If there is no
data for 10 seconds, server will quit the connection and return to
the listening state. This option is helpful in preventing
communication obstacles that occur when either Eddy or the
client quits unexpectedly (i.e. Sudden black out, reboot, LAN
cable cut, etc.). In these cases, the other part of communication
might not recognize the failure of its partner. Such
misunderstanding can cause communication errors.
If the value is set to 0, this function is disabled. Once connected
socket will be retained until explicitly disconnected.
(Only applies to TCP Client, TCP Server, TCP Broadcast, and TCP
Multiplex operation modes.)