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One or both com-
pressors are not
Breaking of the electric circuit.
Check the electric circuit and detect any
ground dispersions and short circuits. Check
Intervention of the HP pressure
Reset the pressure switch and the control panel
and restart the appliance. Identify and remove
the cause that enabled the pressure switch.
The fuse of the control circuit is bro-
Check for ground dispersions and short circu-
its. Replace fuses.
Loosened terminals.
Check and tighten.
Halt caused by thermal overload of
the electric circuit.
Check the operation of check and safety devi-
ces. Identify and remove the cause.
Wrong wiring.
Check wiring of check and safety devices.
The line voltage is too low.
Check voltage. If problems regard the system,
solve them. If they are caused by the distribu-
tion network, inform the Energy Distributor.
Short-circuit of the compressor’s mo-
Check the continuity of the winding.
Seized compressor.
Replace the compressor.
Activation of the LP
alarm, stop of the
Gas leak.
Identify and remove the leak.
Insufficient charge.
Failure of the pressure switch.
Replace the pressure switch.
Activation of the HP
alarm, stop of the
Failure of the pressure switch.
Check the operation of the pressure switch, re-
place it if defective.
The delivery valve is partially closed.
Open the valve and replace it, if faulty.
Substances with condensable gases
in the circuit.
Drain the circuit.
The fan of the condenser is stopped.
Check cables and motor. If defective, repair or
The liquid line is too
Insufficient charge.
Identify and remove the cause of the loss of
charge and refill.
Frosting of the li-
quid line.
The valve of the liquid line is partially
Check that valves are open.
The liquid filter is clogged.
Replace the cartridge or the filter.