Centre for Biological Engineering
Standard Operating Procedure
Autoclave Room, H31, CBE
Version 004
Effective Date: 28
June 2020
Review 28
June 2022
Written by: A. Chandra
Reviewed by: P.Hourd
Approved by: R.I.Temple
Page 8 of 26
based on an overkill sterilisation cycle approach (refer to Reference 4). Cycle 4 was
validated for 4 bags containing typical loads of solid waste (described in Annex 1).
CYCLE 5 (Solid waste with a potential to melt and Sharps bins)
MUST be used for
the sterilization of solid laboratory waste that (a) has the potential to melt or has a high liquid
content eg agar plates - MUST be placed in bags and contained in secondary steel buckets
when autoclaved; or (b) autoclavable plastic sharps bins
– MUST be placed in steel buckets
when autoclaved. The operating cycle, fixed at 121
C and 20 minutes, MUST be used for
sterilisation of all solid biohazardous waste. This cycle has been validated for worst case
loads (a maximum amount of typical solid biohazard wastes) based on an overkill
sterilisation cycle approach described in Annex 2 .
CYCLE 6 (liquid waste
– up to a maximum of 5L)
. This cycle MUST be used for
sterilisation of liquid waste. Liquid waste must be kept in an autoclavable container. The
container MUST NOT be tightly sealed. A Reference volume (blank) containing 2L of
distilled water must be kept open (described in Annex 3). This is as per the validation
Certificate provided by Don Whitley Scientific Limited. A copy is available in the Systec VX-
95 equipment folder. The load-probe must be placed in the blank bottle.
(Liquids in containers) must be used for liquids in autoclavable containers
when rapid cooling using mains water and compressed air is required.
(Liquids in containers) must be used for liquids in autoclavable containers
when rapid cooling using mains water and compressed air is not required.
NOTE: All waste material must be autoclaved using the appropriate one of the three
validated cycles (cycles 4, 5 or 6). If in doubt consult the Laboratory Manager or
Responsible Person.
5.3. Loading the Autoclave
Sterilisation & Disposal of Solid Form Waste with low liquid content and low propensity
to melt: CYCLE 4
Waste for this cycle includes solid form waste which has low propensity to melt or has a low liquid
content. Examples of such waste is given in Annex 1.
ALWAYS wear appropriate PPE as described in SOP 037, Use of Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE).
Use CBE approved transparent autoclave bags. DO NOT use any other bags!