9. System Setting
iOS version
Android version
System Setting:
Unlock the system setting by clicking on
the “lock” icon on the upper-right side of
the main display.
Change settings on “front wheel” and “rear
wheel” then press the “Save” button to
save the settings. You can press “Default
Value” to reset all settings. (Note 1)
Pressure Unit: Bar, kPa, psi; 3 different
pressure units.
Temperature Unit:
; 2 different
temperature units.
Warning Audio Setting: Default, piano 1,
piano 2, piano 3, bird, fantasy, impromptu
Mail TPMS Data: Send log data. (Note 2)
Click the lock icon again to complete the
Note 1: For the standard tire pressure value, please refer to the placard located at the
side of the driver’s seat.
Default Value: Maximum tire pressure: psi= 43; kPa= 300; Bar= 3.0
Minimum Tire pressure: psi= 26; kPa
180; Bar= 1.8
Maximum Temperature:
= 80;
= 176
Note 2: Mail TPMS data:
iOS version: iPhone Setting->BLE TPMS App->GROUP FOR MAIL>Record
Data Enabled
iOS version supports only the system E-mail and does not support other
downloaded E-mail Apps. (eg: Gmail)
Android version: Select Info Setting to fill in e-mail address.