Q130 Rectifier/Clipper
Aug 2014
The Q130 Module provides both a signal rectifier and a voltage controlled clipper.
These functions have the effect of changing a waveform and its harmonic content or
simply changing a control signal for use by another module.
The Clipper section of the module is used to clip off the top, bottom, or both of a
waveform. The level at which the clip occurs can be set manually with the front panel
control knob or set with a voltage control signal from another module. The amount of
effect that the voltage control signal has can also be adjusted.
The Rectifier section simply takes an input and rectifies it. This has the effect of dou-
bling the frequency of a sine wave, while turning a sawtooth wave into a triangle
wave with the same frequency. Both positive and negative sides are available simul-
Patch the two sections together to create completely new types of waveforms.
Panel Size: Single width 2.125"w x 8.75"h.
Input Signals: 10V PP, DC to 20khz
Control Frequency: 1khz maximum
Power: +15V@15ma, -15V@15ma
Controls and Connections
Clipper Section
Clip Level Control
Manually sets the voltage at which clipping will occur. 0-15 volts.
This level is mixed with the voltage control level input jack.
Amount Control
Manually sets the amount of effect that the clip level input jack signal provides.
Input Jack
Input signal.
Output Jack
Clipped output signal.
Clip Level Jack
Input to set the clipping level. Mixed with the manual control.
Clip Switch
Determines which side of the waveform is clipped: +, -, or both.
Rectifier Section
Input Jack
Input signal.
+ Output Jack
Rectified output signal.
- Output Jack
Inverted rectified output signal.