16 DePuy Synthes USS™ Universal Spine System Surgical Technique
Locking side-opening implants to a rod
The Ø 6.0 mm rod is held in place with a sleeve and nut.
If the sleeve has not been placed while introducing the
rod into the implant using the persuader as described on
page 14, proceed as follows:
1. Pick up sleeve and nut
Pick up a sleeve and a nut with the USS Handle
2. Place sleeve and nut over implant
Place the handle over the stick and press the top of the
handle to release the sleeve and nut.
The sleeve has a long and a short leg. The short leg
slides over the open side of the implant and has a small
mark on the top for identification (1).
3. Tighten nut
Tighten the construction with the nut using the Socket
Wrench 11.0 mm with L-Handle (388.130). Use the
Socket Wrench 6.0 mm (388.140) mounted on the stick
to counteract torque.